

June 2011


Ecuador 2011

Ecuador ~ June 2011 - I jumped at the chance to return to Ecuador when I learned renown photographer Tui De Roy would lead the Galapagos adventure, and this then gave me the opportunity to visit the Amazon Rain Forest. An 11 day Galapagos trip organized by Galapagos Travel and 5 days in the Rain Forest along the Rio Napo on Garzacocha Lake at La Selva Jungle Lodge made for stupendous bird, bird, bird, bird watching - and of course there were sea lions and iguanas, and even monkeys, snakes, piranhas, and arachnids, but the latter were in only in the jungle.

Galapagos Islands (gi) and Rain Forest (rf) from top left - (gi) Waved Albatross, (rf) Forked-tailed Woodnymph, (rf) Many-banded Aracari, (rf) Opal-crowned Tanager, (gi) Land Iguana, (rf) Paradise Tanager, (gi) Galapagos Mockingbird, (rf) Slender-footed Tyrannulet, and (gi) Red-footed Booby. You can also view my 2007 Galapagos Photos.

Yellow-tufted Woodpecker

Yellow-tufted Woodpecker - My visit to the Amazon Rain Forest began with a short plane ride from Quito to Coca followed by a 2 hour water taxi ride on the Rio Napo, then a short walk to the edge of Garzacocha Lake, and finally a short canoe ride to La Selva Jungle Lodge. Here I had 5 days of raw Nature.

Dusky Capped Flycatcher

Dusky Capped Flycatcher - in the Rain Forest at La Selva Jungle Lodge.

Boat-billed Flycatcher

Boat-billed Flycatcher - in the Rain Forest at La Selva Jungle Lodge.

Paradise Tanager

Paradise Tanager - in the Rain Forest at La Selva Jungle Lodge.

Opal-crowned Tanager

Opal-crowned Tanager - in the Rain Forest at La Selva Jungle Lodge.

Gilded Barbet

Gilded Barbet - in the Rain Forest at La Selva Jungle Lodge.

White-fronted Nunbird

White-fronted Nunbird - in the Rain Forest at La Selva Jungle Lodge.

Tropical Kingbird

Tropical Kingbird - in the Rain Forest at La Selva Jungle Lodge.

Crowned-slaty Flycatcher

Crowned-slaty Flycatcher - in the Rain Forest at La Selva Jungle Lodge.

Orange-fronted Plushcrown

Orange-fronted Plushcrown - in the Rain Forest at La Selva Jungle Lodge.

Purple Honeycreeper

Purple Honeycreeper - in the Rain Forest at La Selva Jungle Lodge.

Slender-footed Tyrannulet

Slender-footed Tyrannulet - in the Rain Forest at La Selva Jungle Lodge.

Spangled Cotinga

Spangled Cotinga - in the Rain Forest at La Selva Jungle Lodge.

Pileated Woodpecker

Pileated Woodpecker - in the Rain Forest at La Selva Jungle Lodge.

Olive Oropendola

Olive Oropendola - in the Rain Forest at La Selva Jungle Lodge.

Many-banded Aracari

Many-banded Aracari - in the Rain Forest at La Selva Jungle Lodge.

Black-crowned Tityra

Black-crowned Tityra - in the Rain Forest at La Selva Jungle Lodge.

Black-faced Dacnis

Black-faced Dacnis - in the Rain Forest at La Selva Jungle Lodge.

Golden-green Woodpecker

Golden-green Woodpecker - in the Rain Forest at La Selva Jungle Lodge.

Yellow-Browed Flycatcher

Yellow-Browed Flycatcher - in the Rain Forest at La Selva Jungle Lodge.

Forked-tailed Woodnymph

Forked-tailed Woodnymph - in the Rain Forest at La Selva Jungle Lodge.

Blue-footed Booby

Blue-footed Booby - In the Galapagos I joined a group of 16 aboard the yacht Tip Top IV for island hopping, wildlife viewing. This Blue-footed Booby is from the island of Espanola at Punta Suarez.

Red-footed Booby

Red-footed Booby - from the island of Tower at Darwin Bay.

Waved Albatross

Waved Albatross - from the island of Espanola at Punta Surez.

Great Frigatebird & Chick

Great Frigatebird & Chick - Taking care of the kid on Tower at Darwin Bay.

Striated Heron

Striated Heron - from the island of Tower at Darwin Bay.

Lava Gull

Lava Gull - This pair, from the island of Tower at Darwin Bay, is one of but 200 Lava Gull pairs remaining.

Galapagos Mockingbird

Galapagos Mockingbird - A morning breakfast stop to feast on the fruit of the Opuntia (giant prickly pear) cactus on the island of Tower at Darwin Bay. Using his beak, I watched this guy pierce the jacket of the fruit to extract its pulp.

Galapagos Penguin

Galapagos Penguin - viewed on a panga ride to the island of Isabela at Elizabeth Bay.

Large Ground Finch

Large Ground Finch - on the island of Tower at Darwin Bay.

Brown Pelican

Brown Pelican - on the tiny sand island of Mosquera.

Short-eared Owl

Short-eared Owl - from the island of Tower at Prince Philip's Steps.

Lava Heron

Lava Heron - on the island of Santiago at James Bay.

Marine Iguana

Marine Iguana - on the island of Santiago at James Bay.

Land Iguana

Land Iguana - on the island of Isabela at Urvina Bay.

Sea Lion & Pup

Sea Lion & Pup - on the island of Santiago at James Bay.

Flightless Cormorant

Flightless Cormorant - This guy, on the island of Isabela at Punta Vincente Roca, was carrying a bouquet-of-twig as a token of affection for its mate as prelude to their courtship swim & dance (see next picture).

Love Dance of Flightless Cormorant

Love Dance of Flightless Cormorant - Their water dance of courtship and love was thrilling to watch, near the island of Isabela at Punta Vincente Roca.

Sea Turtle

Sea Turtle - near the island of Fernandina at Punta Espinosa.

Galapagos Tortoise

Galapagos Tortoise - on the island of Isabela at Urvina Bay.

Great Blue Heron

Great Blue Heron - on the island of Isabela at Puerto Villamil.

Guiding the Panga

Guiding the Panga - Trip leader (and I must add stupendous photographer) Tui De Roy guided one of our two pangas through the Mangrove forest waterway of the island of Isabela at Elizabeth Bay.

Group Photo

Group Photo - on the island of Espanola at Punta Suarez. Back row from left: John, Steve, Tim, Ross, Tui (trip leader), and Martin (Naturalist). Middle row from left: Jan, Ron, Peter, Jacqueline, Cathy, Steve, Elizabeth, and Robyn. Front row from left: Herb and Nickie.